Talk About Love

Talk About Love

“Did you get a gift yet? Are you confused about what to get?” Those are the type of questions we’ve been bombarded with on social media lately. It’s ridiculous how commercial this day is (eye-roll). The last thing I feel like discussing is Valentine’s Day. I’m actually at my laptop because I was thinking of how I changed this past year, and one of the things I noticed is that I’ve been saying “I love you” much more.

I realized how often we take affection for granted, how awkward we think it is to randomly say “I love you”, how we are labeled “sensitive” if we show kindness or selflessness towards someone. In fact, we should all do so more often. We have 365 chances a year to celebrate love and here are three ways to do so.

Love Your Family

Family comes first. Above and beyond anything else. Well, at least for me. That’s because the only individuals who will truly, always, love you are your close family members. Please don’t take them for granted. We often find ourselves distracted, trying to please, impress or support everyone else, because, for us, our family will always be there right?

We put so much effort into maintaining relationships in our lives, that we end up neglecting the bonds that deserve the most nurturing. Life is short. Tell your parents you love them. Spend quality time with them. Hang out with your siblings. Make your grandparents laugh. Get random gifts just to say “it made me think of you”. Call them frequently just to check on them. Because at the end of the day, relationships, friendships, partnerships, memberships, and other connections eventually end, because “ships” are made to leave the dock. Only family remains your solid backbone.

Here, I cannot but mention the friends that turn into family. The ones you imagine yourself sitting on a porch with years from now, laughing out the good memories and planning new ones. Those friends are few, but oh so precious.

Show Compassion

Love is not necessarily romantic. It sometimes reflects in the compassion we show fellow human beings. There is always someone who needs help, an extra hand, financial support, medical assistance, a listening ear, and the list goes on. Start by checking your direct circle of acquaintances. Then you can check your community’s NGO’s who would definitely use some support in addressing the numerous social cases they have.

You can find a list of ideas and suggestions in this article I wrote last Christmas. I find it sad how we only remember to make good deeds at Christmas, we only feel compelled to help someone in need if we stumble across a case that everyone’s talking about, and we feel outraged about social injustice only when we read about a shocking story. They’re not just stories. They’re the miserable lives of so many people, most of which we don’t hear about. Therefore, please make the extra effort to search for those who need you most, and show some compassion.

Love is Acceptance

If only people spread love instead of hatred, the world would be a much better place. Love here is not romantic, nor is it compassionate. Love is accepting other people. It’s accepting their opinions, their lives, their choices, their lifestyles, and their limits. Love is accepting who they are and respecting that. The amount of hate I find on social media alone shows how ugly people are becoming. Hiding behind one’s screen gives some people a sense of safety and freedom to shame others whenever they simply do not agree with them. This is far from being controlled and it’s actually feeding the increasing violence we see in the world. What you can do is simply be a better person yourself. Accept others for who they are and restore their faith in humanity. If that is not love, I don’t know what is.

In short, let Valentine’s day be a reminder that you don’t need a silly commercial celebration once a year to express your feelings and demonstrate what love really is. Believe me, we learn the hard way that life’s too short and fragile. Love passionately, gently, carefully, affectionately, and delicately. Express love, gratitude, and kindness every chance you get because everyone needs it, even the ones closest to you who seem to be doing just fine.

I was once told by a dear friend that I had so much love to give that I was like a bucket that was always overflowing, dripping love everywhere it went. That was a long time ago, but I like to believe I’m still capable of that. In fact, I believe we all are. We just forget that. Therefore, let’s always remember the many blessings we have, be thankful, and be a blessing ourselves.

Here’s to celebrating our lives and the ones in it.
