Make it A Christmas To Remember

Make it A Christmas To Remember

Have you noticed Christmas preparations started early? I think it’s because people are craving the hope this season brings. 2020 has been an exhausting year. It feels like we’ve been running a marathon on a horrendous route that left us breathless and tired. I personally haven’t been able to put the tree or decorations up yet. Dealing with the ongoing pandemic is one thing, but along with the economic disaster and everything we Lebanese have been facing, it’s just too much to handle. Christmas is different this year.

Beirut’s explosion on the 4th of August marked us all forever. However, the Lebanese people picked themselves up and heroically stretched their hands to help those who were directly affected by the blast. This launched a snowball of initiatives aiming at helping thousands of people affected by the explosion as well as underprivileged people who are striving to survive during the hard times our country is facing.

This Christmas will witness fewer gatherings, fewer festive events, fewer gifts, and smaller tables if any at all. But does all this really matter? What I actually noticed is more of the true Christmas spirit that we may have forgotten! Haven’t you noticed more compassion, kindness, generosity, and selflessness? So if you’re not feeling merry, here’s a list of things you can do to live the true essence of Christmas.

Donate Clothes:

Oh boy do I love decluttering my closet! It’s such a de-stressing activity, and when you do it to help in need, it’s something else. So next time you organize your closet, put aside items you don’t need anymore, wash them, place them neatly in a box, and send them to someone you know, an orphanage, or an NGO. They know who needs them the most. I love those two:

Medonations: A group of amazing young ladies who started off by gathering medical supplies for people in need. They are now providing essential needs for families in Beirut including medicine, clothes, household supplies, etc. Their Christmas mission is called “Dawa Beirut”. Check their page and drop off your donations until 20 December!

Fabric Aid: They collect second-hand clothes, sort, wash and mend them, then send them to their Souk El Khlanj store where they sell them at micro prices ranging between 500 LL. and 3000 LL., giving people in disadvantaged communities the chance to choose their own preferences. What are you waiting for? Let’s get those boxes ready!

Be a Cook Volunteer:

Amazing idea! You just cook as you do for your family, but the meals go to people who have nothing to eat. Those of you who cooked for strangers in need know that it’s a great feeling to serve love on a plate. Try it this Christmas!

The Food Circle: An initiative by Lebanese women who cook to feed those in need. They sell meals in Souk El Tayeb in Beirut every Saturday and use the proceeds to prepare meals for underprivileged individuals. You can also donate 150,000 LBP which feeds 25 individuals!

Berrad El Hay: You can either cook a meal at home, donate ingredients or money. If you choose to cook a meal, you simply put it in a fixed fridge available for the public at the entrance of St. John the Baptist parish in Achrafieh. They’re open Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. How amazing is that!

Donate Non-Perishable Items:

Due to the disastrous economic situation & rising unemployment rates, poverty increased and many are no longer able to bring food to their tables. Therefore, it’s essential we look after one another. Consider sharing your blessings by donating food directly to families you know or through NGOs who distribute them to beneficiaries.

The Lebanese Food Bank: LBF’s mission is to eliminate hunger in Lebanon. You can either donate dry food items, online money transfers, or join their volunteer programs. Follow their page to be informed of their collaborations and support them. Believe me when I say they’re doing amazing work!

Bassma: What I love about Bassma is that they have always empowered families regarding every aspect of their lives. Whether offering food, education, medical help, employment, or house renovations. After the blast, they did amazing work rebuilding Beirut houses and replacing damaged home appliances. Totally worth your support!

Kafe B Kafak: An independent youth initiative that consists of volunteers from different Lebanese regions. Their mission is to help families all over Lebanon by gathering non-perishable food items and delivering them to those in need. You can also donate clothes, medications, and money.

Rebuild Beirut:

Have you been to Beirut since the blast? Believe me, pictures online do not truly reflect the painful reality. People lost their homes, belongings, and businesses that day. NGOs mobilized their efforts to rebuild our beautiful city, and hundreds of volunteers joined! The best part is that you don’t need to have any building skills. There are professional builders and architects teaching and monitoring the volunteers. So if you also want to learn new skills, here are some groups you can contact!

Offre Joie: An inspiring group of young people who are assessing damages and implementing a rehabilitation program that includes buildings and apartments in Karantina, Mar Mikhael, and Khandak el Ghamik, aiming to assist more than 350 families to return to their homes. Check their inspiring work and contribute by donating money or joining them on the field! They always need an extra hand!

Beb w Shebek: Remarkable volunteers who gathered around the initiative of two ladies: Mariana Wehbe and Nancy Gabriel. Their target is specific: Rebuilding doors and windows of 80,000 destroyed homes. Following their daily achievements on Instagram is heartwarming because it reflects their enthusiasm and love for Beirut. Not to mention the Before & After pictures!

Rebuild Beirut: You can first help by informing Rebuild Beirut about people you know who need help rebuilding their homes. They also have daily meet-ups in Beirut so you can volunteer with them any day you’re available. Simply fill the volunteer form on their website and they will contact you!

You can also:

  • Randomly buy a sandwich for a homeless person.
  • Buy a gift off the wishlist of the Children’s Cancer Center or donate!
  • Volunteer with any NGO through The Volunteer Circle! They need all the help they can get!
  • Shop from small local businesses.
  • Donate Blood! You can always save a life!

There are plenty of other amazing NGOs and initiatives supporting those in need in Lebanon. I only mentioned a few here but will be sharing some more on The Cup of T‘s Instagram account!

Christmas is about pure, selfless, unconditional love, inspiring others to hope and live and be the best versions of themselves. Our faith cherishes the act of giving and showing compassion to those who need it most. And this is sincerely the first time I sense the true Christmas spirit around me. It’s just sad how we had to go through all these hardships to realize what really matters in life and how much of our happiness comes from our ability to make others happy.

I don’t think Christmas is different this year. I think we are. 

May you all have a very blessed Christmas.